The Parish Council

The Parish Council is an elected body responsible for local government within Barton Stacey. The Parish Council represents the interests of the parish in the provision of local services and liaises with other bodies involved in local government – the Borough Council and the County Council – and in national government.

Mission Statement

Barton Stacey Parish Council will strive to encourage, through the Parish Council’s statutory powers, and promote the best social and environmental practices for the parish of Barton Stacey by managing services, assets and the resources of the Parish Council for the benefit of the local community


Responsibility for services is divided between the various councils.  The Borough and County Councils are responsible for health, police, education, public transport, highways, and waste collection amongst many other things.

The Parish Council represents the parish in all these matters with particular interest in:

  • local planning – which covers anything from trees in conservation area and tree preservation orders to extensions, new developments including affordable housing – advisory role only
  • transport planning
  • economic development
  • environmental matters
  • community projects
  • leisure and recreation

The Parish Council has primary responsibility for:

  • local amenities – such as the play areas, recreation ground, burial ground, allotments,pavilion, provision of dog bins and car parks
  • local services – such as grass cutting, tree and hedge maintenance and pest control in allotments

The Parish Council receives funding primarily from the Borough Council through its precept – the annual allowance which sets the budget for the provision of services.

The Parish Council may raise additional funds directly from the community for special projects  – such as the Millennium Playground and grants such as trim trail and playground safety surfaces

Parish Council Members
The Parish Council is elected in entirety every four years. Councillors serve for the full four years, and are unpaid. Councillors are governed by a mandatory code of conduct, which includes obligations to act with probity, and to disclose any personal interests which may be relevant to their work as a councillor.


Each year the Councillors elect from among themselves a Chairman and a Vice Chairman and appoint a Clerk. The Clerk is not a member of the council, but serves as its executive function, which includes managing the majority of correspondence for the Council.

Casual vacancy
Donna Oliver - Chairman

The Granary

Barton Stacey

Hants, SO21 3FR

Tel: 07591 127056

Elected 7 May 2019 and Vice Chair 19 May 2020

Duncan Clark - Councillor

Address:- 53 Roberts Road, Barton Stacey, Hampshire, SO21 3RU

Email –

Mobile – 07709 629264

Co-opted January 2023

Kate Bennett - Councillor

52 Kings Elms, Barton Stacey, Hants, SO21 3RG

m:7818 067126

Co-opted June 2023

Chris Coates - Councillor

Glebe Cottage, Barton Stacey, SO21 3RH

m:07469 921500

Co-opted June 2020

Simon Akroyd - Vice Chairman

Mill Stream House, Bransbury, Hants, SO21 3QJ

T: 07713 584910 email:

Co-opted November 2022


Cheryl Sherwood - Councillor

51 Roberts Road Barton Stacey SO21 3RU t: 01962 761 196 e: Elected 7 May 2019

Alec Sherwood - Councillor

41 Roberts Road Barton Stacey SO21 3RU t: 07904 912983 e: Co-opted April 2022

Derek Tickner - Councillor

32 West Road Barton Stacey SO21 3SB t: 07777 682112 e: Co-opted April 2022


Jo Gadney - Parish Clerk
Barton Stacey
SO21 3RH

t : 01962 761 287
m: 07798 502 905

David Drew - Test Valley Borough Councillor
1 Yew Tree Close
Goodworth Clatford
SP11 7RR

t: 01264 357 024
m: 07768 244 456

David Drew - Hampshire County Councillor

t: 01264 357 024
m: 07768 244 456


A councillor is elected as a result of either a contested election, where the electorate has proposed more candidates than there are vacancies and a poll is carried out, or an uncontested election, where the electorate has not proposed more candidates than vacancies so no poll is required.

A councillor is co-opted when appointed solely by the council without the direct involvement of the electorate.

Link to the Test Valley Council Representatives Page

Various roles and Responsibilities of Councillors


The PC communicates with parishioners through a variety of channels

  • parish council meetings – open to the public
  • Publication of meeting agendas and minutes on the parish web site and notice boards (one opposite the village shop, one at the entrance to Kings Elms and one on the Green, Roberts Road)
  • Email distribution list *
  • Monthly report in the West Dever News
  • Occasional mail drops

* Please contact the parish clerk if you are a parish resident and would like to be contacted via Email by the PC

Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council meets at least ten times a year. There may be occasions when additional meetings are held to discuss specific topics.

The meetings are held in the Village Hall, in Barton Stacey, on the third Tuesday of each month, except for August and December, and start at 7.30pm.

The public are most welcome at all regular council meetings.  The way in which the public may participate in meetings are subject to a number of government regulations, as explained below.

Meetings normally last up to two hours, depending on the number of topics to be discussed. Meetings are minuted by the Clerk, and these are available for public inspection, once they have been ratified at the subsequent meeting.

Public Participation

The initial ten minutes of each regular council meeting are set aside for public participation. It should be noted that under local government regulations only persons registered on the electoral roll are permitted to speak.

Parishioners will be able to speak for a maximum of three minutes each within the allotted ten minutes.  If several parishioners wish to express similar views it is suggested that a spokesman will then speak on behalf of the group. When parishioners wishing to speak arrive at the meeting they should give their names to the Clerk and say that they wish to speak. The Clerk will accept the first five names given.

To avoid arguments and keep the length of meetings to a reasonable level, councillors will not enter into discussion with parishioners during the ten minutes allocated for public participation. Topics raised will normally be placed on the Parish Council agenda for the next meeting, unless the Chairman decides that the matter is very urgent in which case it will be discussed under “Councillor reports” Apart from the initial participation session, the public are not allowed to speak in the meeting. This is a local government regulation.