My name is Chester, I’m a West Highland White Terrier and my Mum has just landed the best job ever, being the manager of T&T Pet Field and Café in Overton.  It’s a fun facility for me and my 4-legged chums; I’ve met some new friends and had some great adventures there.  Attached is a little editorial that my Mum has put together, would you please be very kind and send it onto your parish magazine editor.  Thank you for listening to me.  Chester


Mum’s just told me that they’re having an open day on Tuesday 16th July – she’s also popped a poster for your notice board, please let me know if you need a copy sent in the post.  We’re having a pet photographer taking snaps (must remember to look my most handsome), a mobile dog groomer, dog trainer and dog nutritionist there too plus lots of fun things for us canines to enjoy.  All welcome from 9am – 5pm FREE entry – Laverstoke Park Farm, Overton, RG25 3DR.

For any more information Mum’s available on 07810 691113 – she’d love to hear from you.  Her name is Maggs Steward.

Thank you once again.

Love Chester



       Pet Treats Limited 

Click on the links below to view more information about the Open Day

TT PR from Chester Open Day (5)

Open Day (5)